Gray Black Faux Teak Boat Flooring - US Warehouse - HJDECK
Gray Black Faux Teak Boat Flooring - US Warehouse - HJDECK

Bootsboden mit Teakstruktur: Bequeme und sichere Decksmatten

$151.99 USD $75.99 USD SPAREN Sie 50 %

Farbe: Braun+Schwarz


Größe: 94,5 "x 35,4"

94,5 "x 35,4"
94,5 "x 35,4"
Order in the next 4 hours 18 minutes to get it between undefined, 17th März and undefined, 21st März

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Suchen Sie nach einer Bootsdeckmatte, die Stil, Sicherheit und Komfort vereint? Suchen Sie nicht weiter als unsere Bootsboden-Deckmatten mit Teakholzstruktur !

Diese aus hochwertigen Materialien gefertigten Matten sind so konzipiert, dass sie selbst bei nassen oder rutschigen Bedingungen zuverlässige Traktion und Rutschfestigkeit bieten. Die Teak-Textur sieht toll aus und bietet eine bequeme und gepolsterte Oberfläche für Ihre Füße, wodurch Ermüdung und Belastung reduziert werden, während Sie an Bord sind.

Unsere Bootsboden-Deckmatten mit Teakholzstruktur sind einfach zu installieren und zu pflegen. Legen Sie sie auf eine ebene Fläche, befestigen Sie sie mit seefestem Klebstoff oder verwenden Sie sie als tragbare Option. Und wenn es Zeit zum Reinigen ist, spülen Sie sie mit Wasser und Seife ab – so einfach ist das!

Diese Matten verleihen Ihrem Bootsdeck nicht nur eine stilvolle Note, sondern tragen auch zum Schutz Ihrer Investition bei, indem sie Schäden durch Kratzer und Schrammen verhindern. Und weil sie aus hochwertigen, langlebigen Materialien hergestellt sind, können Sie sicher sein, dass sie Saison für Saison halten.

Kurz gesagt, unsere Bootsbodendeckmatten mit Teakholzstruktur bieten unschlagbaren Komfort, Sicherheit und Stil für Bootsfahrer aller Art. Warum also warten? Rüsten Sie Ihr Boot noch heute auf und genießen Sie die Vorteile dieser hochwertigen Matten!


  • Texturen: Teak-Textur
  • Farben: Zwei Farben
  • Dicke: 0,23"/0,6 cm
  • Material: EVA-Schaum
  • Installationsweise: Selbstklebend auf dem Boden
  • Verwendungsorte: Marineyacht, Wohnmobil, Schwimmbad, Garten, Bootsbodenbelag usw.
10 reviews
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It’s working great. I shared your web address with a bunch of my fishing guides that have similar boats.
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I don't own a boat so I didn't get this for that purpose. I got it for the purpose of laying down over wood for a soft surface to land repeatedly on while practicing my grinds.The hardest part of this process of unraveling the roll. Laying it out, cutting it, peeling and sticking it, were all pretty easy tasks and the adhesive took well except right at the end, where the lip it. Two small nails fixed that easily and so far it's taken an incredible amount of abuse. I mean an incredible amount. There is a tear or two in there somewhere, but considering how much use this box gets, I'm surprised it isn't in greater shambles than it is now.This flooring also helped keep the wood dry when it rained.The padding on this is super nice. It helps with those tailbone slams a lot. If we happen to lose balance and lower our skates on the surface it does a really nice job of slowly us down, not sliding us out, or sending us end over end. I will be buying more after I make some tweaks to the box itself, including resurfacing the top to something I think the flooring could better adhere too, and reinforce it. Then I will be wrapping the entire box in this flooring.Like I said, it's probably better for boats, but it definitely great at a siding, landing pad, and waterproofing for my grind box. Love it!
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We actually installed this in the cargo area of our car and love it. It is super lightweight and keeps everything in place. In a boat or wet environment, it would do a great job of being a surface.
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I installed in my 2022 22ft. Heartland camper and it fit perfectly in the cargo hatch! I'm installing more in the outside pantry wall because I've noticed when the su. Hits it the food is subjected to higher temperatures comparable to a solar oven lol yikes.
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Used it on my center console. Covered up a bunch of holes and scratches on the top side. Should keep stuff from sliding back and forth up there and it gives it a cleaner look as well. I used large scissors to cut the mat and it was a pretty easy process. Make sure that the surface is clean before applying it, and make sure that you have it lined up where it goes, the glue on this thing is super strong. Once its on, you’re not getting it off. I am extremely happy with this product.
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This is a great product for making a non slip surface. We used it under our feet in our boat.
I used this on my 18ft powerboat. Simply clean the boat floor well, wash with soapy water and then an anti-oil/grease solvent, so you know this product will stick. There’s adhesive on the back, so when ready, strip the backing off as you go and stick this down. I like that this looks like expensive planking you see on some yachts, but it is foam with some give, so it’s comfortable under your feet.Tips: if you really want this to stick for the long haul, use carpet glue as well as the comes-with adhesive. Make templates from paper or cardboard that fit the curved edges of your boat; lay these over the spread-out flooring, mark and cut. Dry fit before you glue it down. Then use a rubber roller to make sure you’re getting good contact.
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It’s rolled pretty tight so it takes some flattening to work down the edges. Once this is accomplished, the adhesive holds it down well.It’s easy to install and make a custom cut.The material is so nice to walk on, it’s so much better than carpet. Also making it better than carpet is the slip resistance and fast dry time.It looks just like the images in the advertisement.
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I got this non-slip decking for my bay boat. The color matches very well with my boat! The adhesive backing worked well at the time of installation. It feels great to walk on. I cannot speak to longevity due to the fact that I just installed it.
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This is a solid material, but honestly was quite a bit thinner than expected after buying similar boat flooring. The thickness is quite thin, which makes this hard, and more like wood in a way, but also takes away the padded feel. The surface has some non-slip quality, but not as much as the thickly padded flooring. The look when this is installed it pretty convincing, and it makes a neat waterproof finish, but how pleased you are will depend on your needs and preferences. And make sure you get the size needed for your boat. This roll seemed accurate for the size described. It was fairly easy to cut and press on. So far it's holding up well to water, I'm hoping it can hold up to the weather.
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