Faux Teak Boat Flooring Dark Gray with Black Lines - US Warehouse - HJDECK

Bootsboden mit Teakstruktur: Bequeme und sichere Decksmatten

$179.99 USD $85.99 USD SPAREN Sie 52 %

Farbe: Braun+Schwarz


Größe: 94,5 "x 47,2"

94,5 "x 47,2"
94,5 "x 47,2"
94,5 "x 35,4"
Order in the next 4 hours 01 minutes to get it between undefined, 17th März and undefined, 21st März

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Suchen Sie nach einer Bootsdeckmatte, die Stil, Sicherheit und Komfort vereint? Suchen Sie nicht weiter als unsere Bootsboden-Deckmatten mit Teakholzstruktur !

Diese aus hochwertigen Materialien gefertigten Matten sind so konzipiert, dass sie selbst bei nassen oder rutschigen Bedingungen zuverlässige Traktion und Rutschfestigkeit bieten. Die Teak-Textur sieht toll aus und bietet eine bequeme und gepolsterte Oberfläche für Ihre Füße, wodurch Ermüdung und Belastung reduziert werden, während Sie an Bord sind.

Unsere Bootsboden-Deckmatten mit Teakholzstruktur sind einfach zu installieren und zu pflegen. Legen Sie sie auf eine ebene Fläche, befestigen Sie sie mit seefestem Klebstoff oder verwenden Sie sie als tragbare Option. Und wenn es Zeit zum Reinigen ist, spülen Sie sie mit Wasser und Seife ab – so einfach ist das!

Diese Matten verleihen Ihrem Bootsdeck nicht nur eine stilvolle Note, sondern tragen auch zum Schutz Ihrer Investition bei, indem sie Schäden durch Kratzer und Schrammen verhindern. Und weil sie aus hochwertigen, langlebigen Materialien hergestellt sind, können Sie sicher sein, dass sie Saison für Saison halten.

Kurz gesagt, unsere Bootsbodendeckmatten mit Teakholzstruktur bieten unschlagbaren Komfort, Sicherheit und Stil für Bootsfahrer aller Art. Warum also warten? Rüsten Sie Ihr Boot noch heute auf und genießen Sie die Vorteile dieser hochwertigen Matten!


  • Texturen: Teak-Textur
  • Farben: Zwei Farben
  • Dicke: 0,23"/0,6 cm
  • Material: EVA-Schaum
  • Installationsweise: Selbstklebend auf dem Boden
  • Verwendungsorte: Marineyacht, Wohnmobil, Schwimmbad, Garten, Bootsbodenbelag usw.
43 reviews
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Other then a damage roll....one out of 4 ordered. No compensation for first damaged roll had 1 inch hole in it. Floor prep required and suggest secondary spray adhesive and staples for seems and youre good to go.
Works great! Easy to use and good quality. Good value.
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We ordered this product to add grip to our sailboat stairs (steps). It's hard to load a large GSD for ingress and egress into the sailboat, this product adds a little more grip so our GSD can enter and exit independently. So far this tread is standing up well to her nails; we have a video where she exits showing just how much she grips (claws) into the stair tread to pull herself out. The product cuts easily and sticks easily to the surface, we prepped the surface first by cleaning with isopropyl alcohol. Time will tell if it has long-term adhesion, I will update this review if it begins to peel up or if I note poor durability. To be honest this application will test the strength of this product. So far we are happy.
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I ordered this to complete a restoration project on my boat floor. It was easy to work with and I think it looks great! I highly recommend this product and the seller!!
I got this to be used when building a sound absorbent floor. (I practice various forms of dance and I live above people.) I have several layers and until I got this 4th layer for my floor I still got complaints. Now I do not hear anything even when going well into the night. I am still mindful and do not over do it late at night but still. Very sound absorbent and very durable. Not sure how it work on a boat but I go pretty hard and its not even malformed.
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This flooring is good made well and came really well packaged the colors are nice I really like the teal color.It has 3M adhesive so it sticks on really well.
Seems like good material and it should be durable. Taking 1 star off because the adhesive isnt adequate. Would recommend also using spray adhesive. Otherwise its a good deal.
This flooring foam is wonderful. It is waterproof obviously for the boat, which is so nice to not have soaking carpeting that doesn’t dry out for hours or days. I didn’t use this on the boat though, I put it down on the concrete garage floor that basically turns into an ice rink when it gets wet or is humid out. This is so cushiony that it really lets you keep your footing when you get out of the car, from snow or sleet or rain and have wet shoes. Perfect for the boat, or other areas that need a little foam flooring!
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This boat foam is very easy to work with and does well cutting. A box blade makes clean cuts. The foam is very comfortable to stand on for hours on the water. The adhesive backing sticks well and I don’t see an issue with it coming up or failing with regular use. Wet or dry you keep very sure footing on any surface you put the foam on. I do recommend taking the time to really prep the surface so the adhesive can really stick and hold onto the material.
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I’m sure this would be great for your water sports. I originally got this for my kayak but ended up using it for a small area of flooring in my greenhouse. I have a few floor planters in there and this was a knee saver and can stay year round. I then used more to make a little padded kneeling stool. I’m totally adding this to my next greenhouse we are building the summer. The price is great and it is so easy to put down with the sticky back. I’ve had no issues with the adhesive coming off and mine is in constant humidity of at least 60-70% with an average temp of between 70-80F. There were times when the max temp hit 102F and the low was around 40F and no issues.
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